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Writer's pictureSara Brells

What Happens When the Energy of the New Moon & Summer Solstice Meet

Although a new moon arrives today, I find myself more attuned with the energy of Summer Solstice. The growing light that holds the hills in its blankets far into the evening. The eager energy of a season about to reach its peak performance. The power of wildflowers in full bloom, rooting with determination into the mountainside as a summer wind dances through their fields in celebration.

Growing light. Eager energy. Power. Rooting. Celebration. 

And yet, the moon softens first. She goes dark. She rests. Reflects. Clarifies. And reminds us to do the same. As she does each month, I suppose. 

But this month feels different. Do you feel it too? 

This is the time of the year when I’m reminded - really reminded - of the cycles within cycles that circle around us. Circle through us. Whether we bring conscious awareness to them or not, there they are - with their subtle ebb and flow, nudging us, guiding us, challenging us, comforting us. 

Here's what I'm tuning into...

As we move toward Summer Solstice, we feel the seasonal cycle growing. We witness the sun and light taking up more space. We experience abundance by way of flowers, vegetable gardens, warmth, length of day. This is the medicine Summer Solstice offers: peak energy, celebration, abundance, growth, permission to take up space, fertility, all that it means to be in full bloom.

Right now, all that Solstice energy is meeting up with the energy of the new moon: where the night sky goes dark, inviting rest and inward reflection. A sacred pause, to honor all that happened in the last moon cycle and to let that shape the seeds of intention you sow for the next one. The medicine of the new moon brings rest, darkness, new beginnings, a turning inward, a slowing down. 

So what happens when the quiet, inward, reflective energy of the new moon blends with the eager, outward, growing energy of Summer Solstice? 

That is the question I invite you to hold over the next two weeks, as we journey toward Summer Solstice. Be mindful of what you notice internally, as well as what nature reflects and mirrors back to you. 

There is no right nor wrong - this is about being radically present in your relationship with nature, the cycles around and within, and with yourself. 

I’ll be holding the same question for myself…I’m right here with you.

Sky and tree reflected in pond

And I want to plant an idea for this moon cycle: The way we treat the earth holds up a mirror to how we treat ourselves. 

Marinate in that this cycle, and notice what it shows you. Below you’ll find a few other journal prompts & nature-connection activities to explore between now and the Full Moon and Summer Solstice, which coincide this year.

I also invite you to join us virtually on Zoom for a Summer Solstice & Full Moon Womxn’s Circle on Tuesday, June 18th at 5:30pm PST. Together we’ll honor the medicine of the season and drop into connection with nature, ourselves, and one another.

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Nature-Connection Activity: In the days surrounding the New Moon (Thursday, June 6th), take an aimless evening walk. No real destination or timeline, just a leisurely wander outside. As you walk, reflect on the symbolism of both the New Moon as well as Summer Solstice. Be observant, through all your senses, of what you notice around you. What do your noticings show you about how the energy of the New Moon and Summer Solstice are merging in your life? What does that teach you? 

Journal Prompt: What happens when the quiet, inward, reflective energy of the new moon blends with the eager, outward, growing energy of Summer Solstice? 

Reflection Prompt: “The way we treat the earth is a mirror to how we treat ourselves.” This moon cycle, be mindful of the ways this is and is not true for you and those around you. Consider jotting down or illustrating what you notice.

New Moon Ritual: 

  1. Set up a ceremonial space for yourself on or near the New Moon. This might look like lighting a candle, going down to a river, sitting at your altar - whatever helps you tap into the feeling of ceremony.

  2. Reflect on the following prompts: 

  3. What do you want to illuminate or accomplish during this moon cycle?

  4. How do you need to be to achieve those goals?

  5. As we begin this new moon cycle and move towards the light, joyful, peak energy of Summer Solstice, what does all this tell you about the intentions you need to carry this cycle?

  6. Write down your intentions. On paper, in the dirt with a stick, however you want. 

  7. Symbolically plant your intentions: perhaps you plant an actual seed, or you choose a natural object (pebble, pinecone, etc.) that represents your intention and you tenderly bury it in the ground or a pot.

  8. Water your intention each morning, literally. Let that be a mindful moment to check in with yourself and your intention and how you can “water” it throughout your day.

  9. Around the Full Moon and Summer Solstice, set aside time to check in on these intentions and celebrate the beauty, abundance and growth in your life.


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